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EIGHT30 blog for Shenkar department of Fashion Design Ann Dahan Safe zone


The Covid 19 pandemic, along with the financial crisis and the combative state of mind that has spread like fire in the country lately, have pushed us all to become more practical, leaving us less time to be “dreamers”. Truly, who has the time for ambition when all around us businesses are experiencing such hardships and are closing down?!

Personally, over the past few months I’ve felt uncomfortable posting content on social media. Don’t get me wrong, escapism is awesome and is very necessary some of the time, but I certainly didn’t want to seem detached.

As for inspiration… That’s another challenging issue. Inspiration isn’t spread across newspaper pages, nor is it displayed on billboards along the Ayalon freeway.

And so, I sought out to find inspiration. Because this new day-to-day routine is here to stay (at least for the near future), and we all must “own” at least one dream or one pleasant thought, to ensure that at the end of the day – a smile is brought to our face. Continue Reading

Spring Summer 2020 TREND REPORT EIGHT30 Elemento design tel aviv Cos H&M


The days are the days of Corona, and it seems as if we‘ve all been cast to involuntarily participate in a horror film.

I tried to think of a way to improve the atmosphere (if only slightly), because surely – there‘s only so much time one can spend reading about the progress of the pandemic?!
Optimists suggest patiently waiting for spring and the warmer days it brings, so it felt appropriate to inform you about the fashion trends that will characterize spring/summer 2020… Because masks, nylon gloves and white jumpsuits will no longer be in style, and it‘s best to stay up to date ;-) Continue Reading

EIGHT30 claro restaurant tel aviv Yael Kimelman Life By B


“What does she do for a living???” is probably the most common question I’m asked about Yael Kimelman – an influencer known as the blogger behind Life by B, who nurtures a photogenic Instagram account that’s filled with cynical humor, has about 45,000 followers and most importantly – she’s my friend!

When I reply to the question, explaining that in the “new world” – people combine a number of occupations according to their skillset rather than limiting themselves to one route only, at best – I receive a confused look, and at worst – odd sayings about the Y generation and the selfie culture. By the way, when you start discussing business models and revenue… How can I put it… The picture changes entirely ;-)

So, I decided to invite Yael Kimelman to an indulgent brunch at Claro restaurant – as bloggers do – to set the record straight regarding all things concerning “new world people”, who maintain an oh so photogenic life and diverse career – all via their cellphone.  Continue Reading

EIGHT30 The fall winter 2019-2020 fashion trends Tel Aviv street style punk spirit grunge and bondage 2


Or… Same closet – different attitude

September clearly came out of nowhere – a new season is about to start. Apart from the obvious sadness that weighs on my heart as summer ends, I found myself thinking about the never-ending periodicity of the fashion world and the constant pursuit after the next trend.

Let’s face it, the fashion and style lovers amongst us suffer from a severe “disturbance” that gets us extremely excited and filled with thrill over a new collection, which then quickly subsides in the same intensity.

Every season we walk into stores, excited over the new color schemes and patterns – attacked with the urge to head on a shopping spree because “I have nothing to wear”, then – in a moment of clarity we wonder: “why did I by this item? What on earth was I thinking?”

After that happens, we make our best effort to rearrange our closet in order to make room for the new collection. We get rid of or donate clothes that have barely been worn and “pardon” many other items “because they might come back in style one day”… And so on. In one word – madness!

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EIGHT30 - STYLE FOR RENT - Tel Aviv street style - urban jungle


…Or: The full career woman’s fashion guide

Do you know that feeling? Standing in front of your closet in the morning, thinking to yourself: I have nothing to wear!
Taking that same thought along with you to the office, stopping by the mall on your way home, then in a moment of insanity – purchasing lots of items (because there was a sale or any other excuse) only to find out the next day that a sequined skirt, a beach top and flip flops don’t make up the best office outfit?
So, to make matters easy for all of us, I decided to write a dress guide for the fashionable career woman, and to address the many comments and questions you had asked me on the quick survey I held on my IG story, before my latest shooting day. Continue Reading