eight30 - h.stern - writing


There are combinations that only an Israeli can understand (forgive me my international friends who live overseas) – The siren that signifies a minute silence and fireworks. Memorial services and BBQs. Popular Israeli songs like "Every person has a name" and "Every day is a holiday".

 That's how it is, memorial days are woven into the fabric of our lives are an integral part of being Israelis. That's why I decided, on this special week, to publish a fashion post, only this time to dedicate it to those who unwillingly have shaped our unique history. To tell the story of one Jew, so that maybe through him we will remember those that were like him.

Hans Stern (RIP), the founder of H.Stern luxury jewelry brand, was born in Essen, Germany, and emigrated with his family to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Following Kristallnacht (1938 -outbreak of World War II) when he was 17. At the age of 23, without any previous experience or training, he founded the company out of his deep love for Brazilian gemstones and made them as desirable as diamonds were at that time.

Unfortunately, I never got to meet Mr. Stern personally, but his incredible legacy accompanied me from my first days as a fashion blogger – vision, hope, faith and optimism. This is perhaps the essence of the whole story – Nevertheless and in spite of everything we have to believe in humanity and in the good and remember, remember, remember.

eight30 - h.stern - hans stern - early childhoodeight30 - h.stern - hans stern - early childhood playing the accordioneight30 - h.stern - Young Hans in Rio - Aeoght30 - h.stern - first stor - rio

cover PHOTO BY: NIMROD KAPELUTOthank you: h.stern 

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