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November 2015

eight30 magazin vegan porridge


November began for me with a slowly rising expectation, like the soothing opening of a familiar song. It's not really that hot anymore, and not quite cold, but the winds of change are blowing in the air, reminding me of winter in on the doorstep. Time to prepare for the cold season, for the convergence, the season where ideas will prosper and new beginnings will emerge.

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eight30 - wide legged pants forever21 masur gavriel


My mother always says "you can't buy good taste". I agree with her.
Those who know me know that one of my favorite sports is bargain hunting. I reckon if there was an official bargain hunting competition, I would win the title of ''2 for a 100 long distance champion'' At least! ;- )
It probably doesn't seem like it and there are probably people who say "That one? Bargains? That fancy pants has probably never seen the inside of a market in her life" … But it's the truth.

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