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fashion designers

EIGHT30 blog for Shenkar department of Fashion Design Ann Dahan Safe zone


The Covid 19 pandemic, along with the financial crisis and the combative state of mind that has spread like fire in the country lately, have pushed us all to become more practical, leaving us less time to be “dreamers”. Truly, who has the time for ambition when all around us businesses are experiencing such hardships and are closing down?!

Personally, over the past few months I’ve felt uncomfortable posting content on social media. Don’t get me wrong, escapism is awesome and is very necessary some of the time, but I certainly didn’t want to seem detached.

As for inspiration… That’s another challenging issue. Inspiration isn’t spread across newspaper pages, nor is it displayed on billboards along the Ayalon freeway.

And so, I sought out to find inspiration. Because this new day-to-day routine is here to stay (at least for the near future), and we all must “own” at least one dream or one pleasant thought, to ensure that at the end of the day – a smile is brought to our face. Continue Reading